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«Ich investiere alles in meine Leidenschaft, damit ich durch harte Arbeit und grenzenlosem Willen meine Ziele erreichen kann.»

Instagram News

The 2025 World Championships are already over for me, but I am still very grateful for the experience I had here @saalbach2025 🤩😁 #saalbach2025 #worldchampionship #grateful #eltonymate#trustyourm...
Tough week in Kirzbühel! Skiing the legendary Streif sick was not what i had planned but it was still so much fun! 🤩 ⛷️ #onehellofaride #streif #eltonymate #trustyourmadness #raiffeisen #raiffeise...
Thank you @lauberhornrennen 2025!🤩 Amazing week with another amazing Result for the @swissskiteam 🤩⛷️ Even though I didn’t ski at my best, I’m really happy that I’ve made my peace with this slope ...
Looking forward to our home race tomorrow @lauberhornrennen 😍🤩🏔️ #lauberhornabfahrt #excited #eltonymate #trustyourmadness #raiffeisen #raiffeisenhaslitalbrienz #hasliberg #norqainer #leki #lekira...